The Standing Bear Museum has been under construction for several months and is coming along well. The museum located in Ponca City will contain permanent and traveling displays of current and historical artifacts and of the natural science of Native American culture.
The museum is named for Standing Bear, a prominent 19th Century Ponca Indian chief and outspoken proponent of Native American rights. In 1876 when the Ponca were told they were to be moved to Indian Territory, they sent ten chiefs with a United States agent to look over the land and its prospects. They were to make a decision for the Ponca tribe; however, based on what they learned, the chiefs could not make a favorable report. The tribe voted not to go to Indian Territory. The government then decided to send the Ponca to Indian Territory with or without their consent. So the Ponca left on foot for Indian territory, escorted by the U.S. Army.
After arriving in Oklahoma territory, the Ponca had no time to plant a crop on their new land and were not prepared for the winter there, causing many deaths including Standing Bear's son. Standing Bear wanted to bury his son on Ponca soil and with thirty others traveled back towards their home on the Niobrara. They reached the Omaha Reservation were they were welcomed as relatives, but word of the arrival back in Nebraska soon reached the government. They were arrested on orders from the Secretary of Interior by General George Crook. Standing Bear and the others were taken to Fort Omaha and detained. Although they were ordered back to Indian Territory at once, a delay was obtained so they could rest and regain their health. During this time their story was told to the public by Thomas Tibbles of the Omaha Daily Herald.
In 1879, Standing Bear argued his case against General Crook and The United States Government in U.S. District Court in Lincoln, Nebraska; from this landmark civil rights case comes the petition's oft-quoted "an Indian is a person" statement. The judge ultimately found in favor of Standing Bear and the Ponca people. This case received the attention of the Hayes administration, and provisions were made for some of the tribe to return to the Niobrara valley.
The Standing Bear Native American Foundation was formed in 1993 to recognize Native American achievements and traditions. The original impetus for the foundation was a protest by Native Americans at the dedication of a statue titled "This Land is Mine" that depicted a rider on horseback staking his claim during the Cherokee Outlet Land Rush. The bronze is located at Centennial Plaza in front of Ponca City's Civic Center. After the protest, members of the Native American community and citizens of Ponca City formed the committee to create a memorial to honor those who have gone before. Standing Bear Park and the 22 foot bronze sculpture of Standing Bear were dedicated in 1996.
Take a look at our slideshow of the construction of the Standing Bear Museum.
References: Wikipedia: Standing Bear, Ponca City News: Centennial Statue Brought Standing Bear Memorial
I’m interested in knowing, discussing, with people living in and around Ponca City and Kay County of Oklahoma this important and yet answerable question. I’m asking also World Wide Web Internet audience this strange yet true question. In 1980 while I was visiting Kay County. I experienced an encountered involving Unidentified Aerial Phenomena! With friends, and other people there I never got to know then or still today. I’m asking knowing they could never forget this day if things really, truly happened to them in 1980 like I believe and know. A screening question is what’s being asked.
Would they please try to remember where, when and what they’re doing during this historical day in question?
Specifically an awareness they had back then in Kay County of Oklahoma or the audiences listening to broadcasts over the radio waves that May Day; “end of the world day” speech. May of 1980 something larger than life was going on in life, and it’s effects are still truly happening to me now, but not more than family matters I seek to recover, because it paralleled in May 19th, 1980 and days before St. Helens the volcano had put on a enormous display with its peak eruptions ongoing in State of Washington changing landscape imagery for miles and miles around that location!
Remembering, back when I was trekking around State borders, 1980 along side roadways. Visiting friends I am at their home just east of Tonkawa city limits, and near Salt fork river area. My journey back home intercession was after researching another story line make inquiries, like now, only then during those times my friend’s brother is giving me a car ride directly to his brother location, he’s also wanting too visit him. I’m coming from Ponca City again going home to Norman after exploring yet another project. Which was on going knowledge going even farther back into history; and wondering why it’s always been masked since 1972 and beyond?
Transitional days back then are the unspoken evidences I have discovered and are revelations that needs to be known to by all today’s Ponca Indians whether Northern or Southern tribes, because both are called into question about this issue, and this new/old issue needs to be resolved! I will explain how past exploited truths are reasons why Poncas lives need to be continued and with our historical needs forming together today’s Ponca children better reality which has all goodness to greatness that PanIndianism has to offer and its value is to be coming back to them selves, as retributions are now called into question as to answer those needed changes into a new order again (needs) negotiated like Chief Standing Bear trial decision brought new laws of the land, into PanIndianism reality today.
Chief Ponca, Standing Bear lived life greatly making inspired History in courts rooms and new laws of the land, human beings, new future hopes with this experience and ability.
In 1980 with my belief in PanIndianism I, individual personal power and with reincarnation ability, I brought down from above, and outer space an Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UFO) encounter of the third kind!
I had experience this event with friends then and there and those peoples within surrounding countryside fields which were occupied by cars parked conveniently around and experiencing what was being said on the live radio broadcast and seeing U.S. Air Force Jets fly around the same place where I and friends were located, everyone hearing all about the end of the world that was now happening back then and everyone within listening distance should go to their own choice of churches and pray for own soul’s to be given up to Jesus Christ, their lord because the end of the world was happening now!. That was recorded evidence I noted in 2000 and researched by University of Oklahoma film department, and student from film office of Mr. Andrew Horton administrator who was contacted by me, Alvin Warrior as into filming this experience and producing video evidence from interviews I gave both to ancestor’s above and for rights to my story being published down here on Earth..
Thank you, Alvin Ray Warrior
Posted by: Alvin R. Warrior | June 20, 2007 at 03:25 PM