Enhancing The Peace Corps Experience: S. 732, The Peace Corps Volunteer Empowerment Act
PCOL will not be in DC tomorrow morning to cover the hearings live but Senator Dodd's office has informed us that the hearings will be webcast and we will be watching them live and reporting on them.
The link to the video will be on Senator Dodd's Home Page and will begin about 15 minutes prior to the hearings.
We will be providing copies of all the witnesses' statements on our web site and photos from the hearings.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Time: 9:30 AM
Place: 419 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Presiding: Senator Dodd
Read a copy of the proposed legislation.
Read Senator Dodd's remarks on introducing the legislation.
CSPAN has informed us that they probably won't be televising the hearings but that they are still finalizing their schedule.
Witnesses speaking on the legislation will include:
Peace Corps Director Ronald A. Tschetter
Former Director Mark L. Schneider
David Kotz, Inspector General of the Peace Corps
Ms. Kate Raftery, Country Director, Eastern Caribbean
Chuck Ludlam, Volunteer, Senegal
Paula Hirschoff, Volunteer, Senegal
Kevin Quigley, President, National Peace Corps Association
Nicole Fiol, Applicant to the Peace Corps